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Who's who at Cambridge Medical Seminars?

Dr Joseph Cheriyan

Dr Joseph Cheriyan is a Consultant Physician and Clinical Pharmacologist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK since 2006, and an Affiliated Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge. 

He trained initially in Sheffield and subsequently in Nottingham and London before compelting his specialist training in Cambridge.

He is an active clinical researcher with interests in cardiovascular medicine particularly vascular function and inflammation. He is one of a few clinical triallists working on early phase experimental medicine studies of novel therapeutics, was the first MHRA accredited Phase 1 clinical trials physician on campus and has a unique post which combines close collaboration with industrial partners on the Addenbrooke’s Biomedical Campus.

His clinical service commitments are to the Department of Acute Medicine at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. He is the Vice Chair of the local Research Ethics Committee, a member of the Management Board of the Cambridge Clinical Trials Unit, Director of the Cardiovascular Clinical Trials Office. Previously, Dr Cheriyan spent 13.5 years via a 50% industrial secondment to the Glaxosmithkline Clinical Unit in Cambridge as a Senior Physician and Clinical Pharmacologist (Senior Director level).

Dr Cheriyan has been Training Programme Director for Clinical Pharmacology for Health Education East of England since 2019.

He also serves as an Expert Member of the Malaysian Phase 1 Scientific Review Panel for the Ministry of Health Malaysia. 

He has also co-authored the Oxford Specialist Handbook on Hypertension. Apart from work, he is a keen traveller and connnosieur of fine dining!Anchor He is a co-founder of CMS.

Dr Fraz Mir

Dr Fraz Mir is a Consultant Physician in Acute Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK. He is also an Affiliated Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge.

His clinical and research interests are in the fields of cardiovascular medicine, hypertension and toxicology. He is actively involved in teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and is a question-writer and examiner for the MRCP diploma. His other responsibilities include being the Chairman and Training Programme Director for Acute Medicine in the East of England. He was recently appointed as the Royal College of Physicians’ Associate International Director for South Asia.

Dr Mir is the current Senior Medical Adviser to the British National Formulary and was previously Head of School of Medicine for Health Education East of England. He is currently a Proctor for the Univerity of Cambridge and a Fellow of King's College, Cambridge.

He is an enthusiastic cricketer and enjoys studying comparative theology in his spare time. He is a co-founder of CMS.

Dr Johann Graggaber

Dr Johann Graggaber is a Consultant Physician, Clinical Pharmacology and Endocrinology/Diabetes at Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge. 

He read medicine in Vienna, Graz and Paris and undertook specialty trainin in clinical pharmacology and endocrinoology & diabetes in Cambridge.

His specialist interests are pituitary and adrenal disease, hypogonadism, hypertension and syncope. He led and developed the ambulatory care unit at Addenbrooke’s and was clinical lead of Acute Medicine prior to refocusing on endocrinology.

Dr Graggaber is the service lead for Clinical Pharmcology.

He regularly contributes to undergraduate and post-graduate teaching on a local and regional level and runs regional medical SpR training days. He enjoys travelling, skiing, long distance running and classical music.

Eleanor Evans-Evans

Ellie is a Senior Clinical Research and Education Manager for the Division of Experimental Medicine & Immunotherapeutics/Clinical Pharmacology Department at Addenbrooke's Hospital

Eleanor joined the Addenbrookes team towards the end of 2022, after working in the Radiology Department at Nuffield Hospital where she was Senior Administrator, supporting both Private and NHS patients. Prior to that, Eleanor gained an Honours Degree at the University of Lincoln. Outside of work, Eleanor loves being with family and friends, walking the dogs on the beach and going abroad

Michaela Watts

Michaela Watts is a Clinical Nurse Specialist working in the Clinical Pharmacology department, Addenbrooke’s Hospital.

She successfully completed her training as an independent non-medical Prescriber and teaches other members of the team on good prescribing practice ass well as on the Prescribing Update course. She was previously a Specialist Nurse in Hypertension and sat on the Clinical Development Group for NICE which developed the latest Hypertension Guidelines. As part of her current role, she setup and manages the open access community 24 hour ABPM service. She spent periods of her CNS role in Acute Medicine and then in Lipids before returning to Clinical Pharmacology in 2024. She enjoys travelling, drinking red wine and sailing.